Our Latest News

At Thomas Armstrong we are take pride in the work we undertake every day. This section highlights the work we successfully complete as well as recognising our achievements, awards and community work. Click on the 'Read More' link to view and read the article in full.

March 27, 2023
Work Begins on Refurbishing Building for New Primary Health Care Service

Today Thomas Armstrong (Construction) Ltd start works to alter and refurbish 4 Wavell Drive in Carlisle for new Client Cumbria Health On Call (CHoC).

Works include:

  • Internal refurbishment and fit outs
  • External envelope works including replacement windows and roof lights, improved insulation, and general maintenance to the roof.
  • External upgrade work to the existing car park and installation of new vehicle access barrier with intercom and installation of new external terrace areas.
  • M&E works.
  • Drainage alterations.

They are looking forward to delivering this project for Cumbria Health On Call (CHoC); alongside Architects Plus, Donleys & Pettit Singleton Associates.

November 11, 2022
Site Manager scoops Regional Site Manager Highly Commended Award

Mark Cain, Site Manager at Thomas Armstrong (Construction) Ltd., has received the Regional Site Manager Highly Commended 2022 award for his site at Chapel Meadows, Bothel.

This award recognises the dedication and commitment it takes to deliver quality in construction, and every year site managers across the country are recognised for their exceptional contribution to home building with regional and national Site Manager Awards from LABC Warranty.

June 30, 2022
New Development Director Appointed

We are pleased to announce the appointment of David Hill to the Board of Thomas Armstrong (Construction) Limited as our new Development Director.  

David has over 20 years’ experience in the industry.  He began his career with Thomas Armstrong (Construction) Ltd. in September 1998 and completed his degree in 2005.  He was promoted to Senior Quantity Surveyor and then to Development Manager in June 2014.

As Development Director, David will take overall responsibility for delivering our residential developments throughout the county.  With a remit to increase our presence in the market, constructing high quality dwellings in desirable locations, David will use his wide experience of the industry to lead our established team into the future.

March 28, 2022
£100.00 donated to St Michael's Nursery & Infant School

Earlier this week, our Group HR Manager Tracey Emerson-Jewkes, dropped off a cheque for £100.00 to Allison Smith, Pastoral Care Lead at St Michael’s Nursery and Infant School in Workington in support of their ambition to provide Easter eggs for all 64 of the children who attend the School.

£25.00 each was donated from Thomas Armstrong Companies – Holdings, Construction, Timber & Aggregates).

We hope the children have a lovely Easter and they enjoy their eggs.

February 25, 2022
Civil Engineering & Highways Team Win Commendation Award

Congratulations to our Civil Engineering & Highways team who attended the ICE Awards on Friday 25th February at the Leeds Marriott Hotel and were awarded with a Certificate of Commendation for the restoration of Broughton Bridge. The ICE Yorkshire and Humber Awards recognise the benefits that our civil engineers bring to communities across the region